65 Items Found

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The Gargoyle's Ear (Association Copy?)
Author: McMaster, Susan    Category: Poetry
Publisher: Black Moss Press 2007
Price:  $82.50
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The Winter Vault
Author: Michaels, Anne    Category: Fiction
Publisher: McClelland and Stewart 2009
Price:  $82.50
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Everyday Exotic: The Cookbook
Author: Mooking, Roger; Magee, Allan    Category: Food & Cooking
Publisher: Whitecap 2011
Price:  $72.50
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The Unmemntioable
Author: Moure, Erin    Category: Poetry
Publisher: Anansi 2012
Price:  $107.50
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The Farfarers: Before the Norse
Author: Mowat, Farley    Category: Fiction
Publisher: Key Porter Books 1998
Price:  $82.50
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The Love of a Good Woman
Author: Munro, Alice    Category: Fiction
Publisher: McClelland and Stewart 1998
Price:  $207.50
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Author: O Huigin, Sean    Category: Children's/Young Adult
Publisher: Black Moss Press 1985
Price:  $37.50
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Mogul Recollected
Author: Outram, Richard    Category: Poetry
Publisher: Porcupine's Quill 1993
Price:  $47.50
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Pageboy: A Memoir
Author: Page, Elliot    Category: Biography and Memoir
Publisher: HarperCollins 2023
Price:  $82.50
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On the Goose: A Labrador Metis Woman Remembers
Author: Penny, Josie    Category: Biography and Memoir
Publisher: Dundurn 2014
Price:  $37.50
In Stock!

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